Monte Car Tyres »
Why Retreading?

Whether it’s a driver who seeks to balance the family budget or a businessman owner of a fleet of trucks, which buys thousands of tyres per year, costs have to be controlled in the face of an increasingly rigorous economy.


The cost of producing a retreaded tyre is substantially less than the cost of a new tyre – typically between 30% to 50% of the new tyre. Using retreaded tyres, the transport industry of a country can save many millions of dollars per year. The retreading is an effective way of reducing costs with the tyres and is also a recycling process, extremely beneficial in environmental terms.
In the manufacture of a new tyre, the largest part of the cost is due to the structural part of the tyre. The floor-part of the tyre makes contact with the road-represents only a percentage of the cost of the new tyre. When a tyre has the floor spent and it seems a useless waste, much of its value is yet to enjoy it.



It is a fact demonstrated that retreaded tyres are as safe and durable as the new tyres, what if you can by applying standardised procedures at each stage of the retreading process. Similarly, demonstrates that the structural strength of a retreaded tyre is comparable to that of a new tyre.
Retreaded tyres are used in the most diverse applications, from buses to trucks, have consistently demonstrated the same integrity that the new tyres.



All tyres are potentially retreadable, but in the process of manufacture only the best used tyres are chosen. This process is constituted basically by 7 steps, performed by trained operators in inspection techniques, that determine the acceptance or rejection of the tyre, and in preparation, construction techniques and treatment, which determine the good quality and high performance of a retreaded tyre.
